Adders with properties

Let's make a custom widget that stores Widgets in a Table[string, Widget] and displays the widget next to the key it was stored with.

First we need to add the parameter for the key to our adder.

viewable CustomBox:
  myChildren: Table[string, Widget] # The child-widget field

  adder add {.key: none(string).}:

Additional parameters passed to adders are called "properties". Properties must have a default value, their type is inferred based on that value. If you do not want to provide a default value, you can use an Option type.

Let's assert that anyone using CustomBox also passes a key and doesn't accidentally reuse a key that has already been used to store a Widget that in the table:

import owlkettle
import std/[tables, options, strformat]

viewable CustomBox:
  myChildren: Table[string, Widget] # The child-widget field

  adder add {.key: none(string).}:
    assert key.isSome(), "CustomBox requires you to tell it under which key to store child widgets. Add a 'key' property"

    let keyIsFree = not widget.valMyChildren.hasKey(key.get())
    assert keyIsFree, fmt"A widget with the key '{key.get()} has already been added to CustomBox. Use a different name"

    widget.hasMyChildren = true
    widget.valMyChildren[key.get()] = child

method view(state: CustomBoxState): Widget =
    Box(orient = OrientY):
      for key in state.myChildren.keys:
          Label(text = key)
          insert state.myChildren[key]

## The App
viewable App:

method view(state: AppState): Widget =
        Label(text = "I was passed in from the outside") {.key: some("key1").}
        Label(text = "Me too!") {.key: some("key2").}
        Label(text = "Me three!") {.key: some("key3").}
        # Label(text = "Me four!") {.key: some("key3").} # Will cause a runtime error because key3 is already in use

when not defined(owlkettleNimiDocs):

If we were to remove the "#" in front of the last Label, we would be facing a runtime error produced by the application, since "key3" was already used.

Note: When using optionals, due to the macros involved, you can only use the some(<value>)/none(<typedesc>) syntax.