
Setters are a convenience mechanism for creating widgets. During creation, setters act like any other field on the widget, in the sense that they can be assigned to. When a setter is assigned to, it is executed and can decide how the assigned value should be handled.

One example is the Button.icon setter. When assigning to it, the setter creates an Icon widget with the given name and adds it to the Button.

Another usecase is converting the type assigned to a field before storing it. For example, the BaseWidget.margin setter has overloads for both the Margin object and int. When you assign an int to the margin setter, it first converts it to a Margin object with the same margin on all sides. When you assign a Margin object, it gets stored directly.

To create a setter you need:

  • a setter <SetterName> declaration with the type that the setter receives, e.g. setter margins: int defines a setter that will receive an int from a parent-widget
  • a has<SetterName>= proc, forwarding booleans that would enable/disable the "field" represented by the setter to the actual field on WidgetState
  • a val<SetterName>= proc, converting the value received by the setter as needed and assigning it to the actual field on WidgetState

Note: You only need 1 has<SetterName> proc, even if you define multiple setters.

Lets take a look at a code example:

## The custom widget
import owlkettle, sequtils

viewable LabelList:
  labelTexts {.private.}: seq[string]
  setter texts: openArray[string] 
  setter texts: openArray[int]

proc `hasTexts=`*(widget: LabelList, has: bool) =
  widget.hasLabelTexts = has

proc `valTexts=`*(widget: LabelList, texts: openArray[string]) =
  widget.valLabelTexts = @texts

proc `valTexts=`*(widget: LabelList, slice: openArray[int]) =
  widget.valLabelTexts = mapIt(slice, $it)

method view(state: LabelListState): Widget =
  result = gui:
    Box(orient = OrientY):
      for text in state.labelTexts:
        Label(text = text)

## The App
viewable App:

method view(app: AppState): Widget =
  result = gui:
      Box(orient = OrientX):
        LabelList(texts = ["Hello", "World"])
        LabelList(texts = [1, 2, 3])

when not defined(owlkettleNimiDocs):

This defines a LabelList that has a setter called texts. When texts gets assigned to, it triggers the valTexts= procs. This will convert the received value into the type of labelTexts and assign to it via valLabelTexts.

Thus, via the setter the widget can now accept an openArray[string] and an openArray[int] for the "texts" field!