Update Hook

update hooks runs every time the Widget updates the WidgetState. In other words, whenever the application is redrawn, which occurs every time an event is thrown and every time the WidgetState.redraw method is called.

For Widgets

On widgets the update hook is for cases where you want to update fields, but using an update hook on a single field is not a clean solution, e.g. where fields share an expensive operation that you do not want to repeat unnecessarily. For simpler cases, consider the property-hook (see the property-hook for more) or an update hook on that specific field.

Here an example demonstrating how the update-hook on a widget can be used:

import owlkettle

## The custom widget
viewable MyViewable:
  text: string

      echo "Original Value: ", state.text
      state.text = state.text & " - Addition"
      echo "New Value     : ", state.text

method view(state: MyViewableState): Widget =
    Button(text = state.text):
      proc clicked() =
        echo "Event triggering update"

## The App
viewable App:

method view(app: AppState): Widget =
  result = gui:
      MyViewable(text = "Defined by App")

when not defined(owlkettleNimiDocs):

For Fields

Owlkettle provides default update hooks for every field. update hooks are useful if you need simple custom behaviour, such as modifying the input slightly before updating a field with it. It is their responsibility to transfer data from Widget to their field in WidgetState.

Here an example for how an update hook on a field can be used:

import owlkettle

## The custom widget
viewable MyViewable2:
  text: string

  hooks text:
      echo "Received via Widget:    ", widget.valText
      if widget.hasText:
        state.text = widget.valText & " update hook addition"
      echo "Applied to WidgetState: ", state.text

method view(state: MyViewable2State): Widget =
    Button(text = state.text):
      proc clicked() =
        echo "\nEvent triggering update"

## The App
viewable App2:

method view(app: App2State): Widget =
  result = gui:
      MyViewable2(text = "Example")

when not defined(owlkettleNimiDocs):

We checked if the Widget.hasText value is true before assigning values to that field. This check is useful, since if the field is not set in the Widget, its value should not be propagated to the WidgetState.

Note that this hook is not run initially, so when the widget is first being built any changes in made in the update hook are not applied yet. Look at the build hook if you need that behaviour, or property hook if you need both.