Using direct assignment

Another way to pass multiple Widgets to another Widget is handing them over directly.

This is discouraged, as it may side-step additional logic defined in the adder of the other Widget. However, in some circumstances it is the only option, e.g. when you need to pass on a structure of seq[seq[Widget]].

import owlkettle

## The custom widget
viewable CustomBox3:
  myChildren: seq[Widget] # The child-widget field

  adder add: # Define the default adder `add`
    widget.hasMyChildren = true # Enables mutating `myChildren`
    widget.valMyChildren.add(child) # Adds the child-Widget to `myChildren`

method view(state: CustomBox3State): Widget =
    Box(orient = OrientY):
      for child in state.myChildren:
        insert child # Inserts child-widget into this CustomBox-widget

proc toLabel2(text: string): Widget =
  Widget gui Label(text = text)

## The App
viewable App3:

method view(state: App3State): Widget =
  let labels: seq[Widget] = @[
    "I was passed in from the outside".toLabel2(),
    "Me too!".toLabel2(),
    "Me three!".toLabel2()

        myChildren = labels

when not defined(owlkettleNimiDocs):