Single Adder

An adder is a proc that defines how to add child widgets to a widget. It also enables the field that stores child-widgets. It implicitly receives the parameters widget of type Widget (the custom widget itself) and child of type Widget (the child-widget to add).

To create a widget that can contain other widgets, you must:

  1. Add a field to your widget that can store child-Widgets (e.g. one with type seq[Widget])
  2. Define an adder that enables the child-widget-field and adds a given widget to it
  3. Define how to display the child-widgets in your view method

Let's look at an example for a CustomBox:

import owlkettle

## The custom widget
viewable CustomBox:
  myChildren: seq[Widget] # The child-widget field

  adder add: # Define the default adder `add`
    widget.hasMyChildren = true # Enables mutating `myChildren`
    widget.valMyChildren.add(child) # Adds the child-Widget to `myChildren`

method view(state: CustomBoxState): Widget =
    Box(orient = OrientY):
      for child in state.myChildren:
        insert child # Inserts child-widget into this CustomBox-widget

## The App
viewable App:

method view(state: AppState): Widget =
        Label(text = "I was passed in from the outside")
        Label(text = "Me too!")
        Label(text = "Me three!")

when not defined(owlkettleNimiDocs):

We define myChildren and "enable" it in the add adder via widget.hasMyChildren = true. Then we define how to add the child Widget to it, which in this case is simply us adding it to the seq.

Adding multiple widgets

To pass multiple Widgets to another Widget, iterate over the widgets and insert them. This is the preferred way of doing this.

import owlkettle

## The custom widget
viewable CustomBox2:
  myChildren: seq[Widget] # The child-widget field

  adder add: # Define the default adder `add`
    widget.hasMyChildren = true # Enables mutating `myChildren`
    widget.valMyChildren.add(child) # Adds the child-Widget to `myChildren`

method view(state: CustomBox2State): Widget =
    Box(orient = OrientY):
      for child in state.myChildren:
        insert child # Inserts child-widget into this CustomBox-widget

proc toLabel(text: string): Widget =
  Widget gui Label(text = text)

## The App
viewable App2:

method view(state: App2State): Widget =
  let labels: seq[Widget] = @[
    "I was passed in from the outside".toLabel(),
    "Me too!".toLabel(),
    "Me three!".toLabel()

        for widget in labels:
          insert widget

when not defined(owlkettleNimiDocs):

NOTE: When instantiating the Label Widgets we do so using the gui macro in toLabel. This can be done without the gui macro, but is not advised as you may forget to set the has<Field>- fields (see the Internals section).

But what if we want to store child-widgets in a table-field on CustomBox ? We would need to pass the key to store the child-widget under to the adder...