Read Hook

The read hook is a custom hook solely used by widgets that are renderables and deal with user input. It is then responsible for propagating the changes done by the user back to the WidgetState.

Let's look at a minimal example from the ColorChooserDialog widget:

import owlkettle
import owlkettle/widgetdef
import owlkettle/bindings/gtk

# The custom widget
renderable MyColorChooserDialog of BuiltinDialog:
  color: tuple[r, g, b, a: float] = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

    beforeBuild: ## Necessary for renderable to instantiate Widget in general
      state.internalWidget = gtk_color_chooser_dialog_new(

  hooks color:
    read: ## Will execute after userinput was provided, propagates value to to `WidgetState`
      var color: GdkRgba
      gtk_color_chooser_get_rgba(state.internalWidget, color.addr)
      echo "ReadHook - old state color: ", state.color.repr
      state.color = (color.r.float, color.g.float, color.b.float, color.a.float)
      echo "ReadHook - new state color: ", state.color.repr

## The App
viewable App:

method view(app: AppState): Widget =
  result = gui:
      HeaderBar {.addTitlebar.}:
        Button {.addLeft.}:
          text = "Open"
          style = [ButtonSuggested]
          proc clicked() =
            let (res, state) = gui:

when not defined(owlkettleNimiDocs):

The read hook will execute after a color was chosen and confirmed. Only then will it update the state with the chosen color. How to extract the data of the user-interaction will depend on the gtk-widget being wrapped.

Note that during the choosing of the color and when updating WidgetState via the read hook, no update hook is being executed.